Would you like to make profound changes in your life and or experience healing? YOU CAN!
The 7th Path System is a mind-body-spirit approach to self-hypnosis. This system combines the benefits of meditation with the power of self-hypnosis to help you make good positive changes in your life.
Practitioners of this new system will benefit in many ways because it is a holistic approach. This means that as you work on a particular issue such as improving motivation, concentration, breaking a bad habit, or whatever, the positive effects of using this system will affect many other areas of your life.
The 7th Path System does this by first removing old negative programming from your past first, such as limiting beliefs and habits. Then, you begin to work on any specific issue that you care to focus on.
7th Path Self-Hypnosis is a wonderfully effective and powerful vehicle for change using your subconscious mind to:
- Get in touch with your spiritual self and maintain a healthy emotional state
- Overcome a negative habit such as smoking, over eating or procrastinating
- Create a new habit such as exercising regularly
- Increase your confidence in situations such social gatherings
- Reduce stress, sleep better, improve mood
- Overcome fears and insecurities, and past negative conditioning
You probably have experienced the frustration of trying to use “will” power or “think” power to make the changes we want to make, only to find these changes short lived. You won’t make much progress until you move through the fears, limiting beliefs or emotional baggage that keeps you stuck. That is why reading many self-help books often produces few lasting results. This class uses a mind-body-spirit approach to gently and efficiently remove the old programming that blocks your success.
You will experience and learn how to go into hypnosis and break unwanted patterns and beliefs. One student equated it to “gentle dynamite”. Then you will learn how to craft and use your own suggestions to create new healthy beliefs and behaviors.
Blue Moon Hypnotherapy is a firmly established business and has been since 1999.
Contact me today for your confidential, free 20 minute phone consultation so that we may begin the process of helping you to achieve the health and lifestyle you really want.
* Results may vary