Hypnosis is a simple and natural technique to use suggestion to help you experience a relaxed state of mind that facilitates new learning by connecting to the subconscious mind. In this state, you can accept and actualize suggestions for behavioral change in a way not possible in the ordinary, waking consciousness. Imagine yourself relaxing into the safety of a space where positive changes are made.
What is the difference between hypnosis and hypnotherapy?
Yes, simplified, hypnosis is great at modifying one’s behavior, getting rid of symptoms. If you have a migraine headache, you may take a pill and it may rid you of the symptoms of the migraine, but the cause is still there…be it unresolved anger, grief, guilt, etc.
Hypnotherapy deals with the cause. It is an interactive process that I will lead you through so that you can resolve any unconscious self imposed limitations from your past which you may be bringing into the present. My intent is to lead you to your own source of inner wisdom and allow you to take full control of your life.
Please keep in mind that it may take anywhere from two to eight sessions to change ingrained habits and patterns. Hypnosis is a process, not an instant fix.
Are you are looking for a way to cope, a reason to try, the answer to a problem? You need relief. That’s why you are here. I’m here to help you heal what hurts, to find the path you lost, the person you were or long to be, and to help you get the life and the health you really want.
If you have made the decision to take care of yourself, to change what has changed in you, I can show you the way.
Blue Moon Hypnotherapy is committed to being true to you. Be true to yourself. Together, we can face anything. Together, we will be true Blue.
Remember, it’s never too late to get the life you really want!
- The easiest way to break bad habits is through hypnosis. — Newsweek
- Hypnosis gives you more confidence. — Psychology Today
- U.S. Olympic athletes use hypnosis to win. — Detroit Free Press
- About the mind/body connection, hypnotherapy provides a tool to document it. Hypnotherapy helps patients tap their bodies’ own power to heal, and relieve pain. — U.S. News and World Report.
- Numerous scientific studies have emerged in recent years showing that the hypnotized mind can exert a real and powerful effect on the body. — The Wall Street Journal – October 7th, 2003
- Though often denigrated as fakery or wishful thinking, Hypnosis has been shown to be a real phenomenon with a variety of therapeutic uses – especially in controlling pain. — Scientific American – July, 2001
- The greatest success in providing lasting change occurred with Hypnosis (93% recovery), followed by behavior therapy (72% recovery), and then psychotherapy (38% recovery). — (Volume 7, Number 1, Alfred A. Barrios, PhD) Psychotherapy Magazine
Please be assured that I value the client-therapist relationship and will diligently preserve the confidentiality of all hypnosis sessions. Additionally, I adhere to and am guided by the ethical principals set forth by the National Guild of Hypnotists Code of Ethics. Hypnosis has been recognized and approved by the American Medical Association since 1958. It is completely safe, natural and effective.
Feel free to call me with any questions you may have. I prefer the phone to email inquiries for several valid reasons. We each have many questions so it’s much more efficient to speak in person. You will get a much better idea if hypnosis is for you by speaking to me. Additionally, there is a chance I may miss your email because of the volume I receive each day.
[hr]Serving Franklin, Hampshire, Hampden counties in western Massachusetts, the Pioneer Valley, southern Vermont, New Hampshire, the Berkshires and northern Connecticut.Blue Moon Hypnotherapy is a firmly established business and has been since 1999.
Call today for your confidential, free 20 minute phone consultation so that we may begin the process of helping you to achieve the health and lifestyle you really want.