“I thought I would share an interesting couple of milestones with you, maybe they will inspire some of your clients. I quit smoking: Three Years, Three Months, Twelve Days, 9 Hours and 2 Minutes ago. According to my quit meter, I have extended my life expectancy by 104 Days and 4 Hours.
I have not smoked for 1200 days, and I have not smoked over 30,000 cigarettes — that’s 150 cartons, 1500 packs, or 15 CASES of cigarettes. I’ve saved over $8,000.00, closer to $9,000.00 at today’s prices.
And I have no plans to take even one puff, ever again. I quit cold turkey, and used hypnosis to support my efforts. My first hypnosis session was approximately 16 hours after my last cigarette, and by the time I got to the office, I was extremely stressed out and very much desperate for a smoke. I was very worried about whether or not I would ever be able to quit. After the first session, I felt much more confident that I could quit, and much less stressed. I never looked back, and have not touched a cigarette since 11:30 pm on August 8, 2005.
My family and friends are absolutely amazed, because none of them believed that I could ever quit smoking. I have no doubt that the three hypnosis sessions with Jean were the reason why I have been able to accomplish this. I still listen to the tapes from time to time, to reinforce my non-smoking identity, but I truly have no desire to ever take another puff.”